Eat, Pray, Commit Mass Suicide


This story is over 5 years old.


Eat, Pray, Commit Mass Suicide

Mexico's "The Light of the World" Church has a strange way of treating its followers.

La Luz del Mundo ("The Light of the World") is a Christian denomination founded in Mexico sometime in the early 30s by a guy named Eusebio Joaquin Gonzalez, who taught those desperate enough to follow him that his son was the only real apostle, and thus their only real, direct route to God. Over the years, the Church has been accused of doing a lot of shitty things, ranging from violating tax laws to committing acts of rape and paedophilia, to encouraging mass suicide. A couple of weeks back, La Luz del Mundo celebrated something they call the Holy Supper at their headquarters in Guadalajara and photographer Alberto Rodríguez was there to capture the proceedings. More than 330,000 worshippers, (from 43 different countries), all dressed in white, congregated outside a monstrous white pyramid on August 14th to drink wine, eat some bread, do a bit of praying and then engage in frantic crying.


Which makes perfect sense. If your church was trying to mass murder you, I bet you'd be crying, too.