This story is over 5 years old.

same sex marriage news

Malcolm Turnbull Can’t Stop Gloating About Marriage Equality

The victory tour has begun.

Malcolm Turnbull is doing the rounds. Yesterday, at the last possible moment, after an expensive and unnecessary postal survey process that took a huge emotional toll on the queer community, the House of Representatives finally passed legislation that would allow all Australians to marry. And the Prime Minister, who could easily have just got this done months and months ago, is claiming his victory.


On The Project last night, Turnbull got emotional. He was “so proud” to be Prime Minister during such a historic moment. “What a day, what a day. What a day in history. What a day for love,” he said on national television.

“What a day to put our arms around same-sex couples and say we love you, we respect you, you have all the rights that everyone else has had for so long — now we’re all at one.”

The victory tour didn’t stop there. He told Leigh Sales on 7.30 the same thing, except he managed to dig into Labor at the same time.

“I am so proud this has occurred while I’m prime minister, while the Liberal and National parties are in government,” he told Sales, who pointed out that the Opposition had also played a role in the passage of marriage equality legislation.

“Well, look Leigh, this is not the time to do the usual tit-for-tat. I mean, Labor certainly supported it, and that’s good. They had six years in office and did nothing about it.” True, actually.

“That’s not so good. And of course they did everything they could to stop every Australian from having their say.” Hmm.

This is just the beginning, of course. Turnbull will be appearing on Monday’s episode of Q&A, and no doubt a bunch of radio stations over coming days, to pretend like he did everything in his power to make marriage equality happen in a fair and painless way.

If at any point he starts convincing you, take inspiration from Leigh Sales. She wasn’t buying what Turnbull was selling at all.

"Prime Minister, what runs through your head in the middle of the night when you wake up and you can't sleep?" Sales asked. I’ve wondered the same myself, numerous times.

“I sleep right through the night,” he replied.

Terrifying if true.

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