baby boomers

  • Photographing Generation Z

    Jessica Longworth takes photos of her kid sister and the daily minutiae of the generation currently on its way to adulthood.

  • Finally! A Tinder for Seniors Is in the Works

    After developing Tapestry, an app that lets seniors use social media in a simple way Andrew Dowling noticed it was helping to solve was late-life loneliness. Now he’s developed Stitch, an app that some are calling “Tinder for seniors.”

  • Gen X Ruined the World Too

    Generation X has a lot more to do with our current shitshow than they believe. Our big brothers and sisters screwed up our cultural priorities by teaching Millennials that self-obsession is the highest mark of cultural capital.

  • Dear VICE - Old People Read Your Magazine Too

    Here's a letter from a self-proclaimed old person who reads VICE. Send us more letters, olds. You shall be heard. The world may be fast-moving and scary to you, but you have a calm friend in VICE. Let us be your most trusted media outlet during your...

  • Obama Blames Kimye, Not Corrupt Politicians, for the Death of the American Dream

    In a recent interview, Obama blamed Kimye for the death of the American dream. But Obama should probably look past the relatively harmless world of reality-television materialism and examine his administration and the leaders that have come before him...

  • Why Are the Millennials Screwed Up?

    Baby Boomers love to hate on the Millennials. They say we’re lazy narcissists because we have Instagram applications on our iPhones. This is obviously stupid, but it’s also obvious that the Millennials are a screwed generation. And guess what, Boomers...