health issues

  • Calorie-Counting Machines Are Pure Evil

    GE has developed a device that can analyze the calorie count of your dinner. Good for science—but we're already in a bloody mess with our diets, and we don’t need anything else that turns food into a mathematical equation.

  • Senegal's Sea Widows Are Well on Their Way to Financial Independence

    In the last decade, thousands of young migrants have left Senegal on rickety fishing boats hoping to find work in Europe. Many have died at sea, leaving behind a new class of women: the “sea widows,” as a local newspaper called them.

  • These Beans Will Dilate Your Pupils

    If you live in proximity to an old-school deli or a grocery store that hasn’t rotated its stock since the Carter administration, you might’ve heard of lupini beans, a tough legume that’s snacked like bar nuts with beer. Besides their deliciousness...
