Neither Big nor Easy

  • On the Road with Tony Clifton

    Tony Clifton is a piece of performance art who has outlived his creator, legendary comic Andy Kaufman, by two decades. He's having a comeback of sorts, thanks at least in part to Jeremy Johnson, a filmmaker who has been working for Clifton—and his...

  • 3D Na'Tee Brings Real Rap to New Orleans's Jazz Fest

    Rap godfather Chuck D has said that he never likes to watch anyone on stage and think to himself, 'I could do that.' When 3D Na’Tee takes the mic, no one thinks that. Her words are so plentiful they often crowd out any hope for a chorus, and her quick...

  • The Birth of NOizeFest, New Orleans's Freakiest, Smallest Festival

    For eight years, I've been holding this gathering of artists/weirdos in my backyard; the first one we ever held involved my pet goat, a bad acid trip, musicians nearly fighting one another over overzealous jamming, and a bunch of broken mirrors.

  • New Orleans's War on Music

    Louisiana’s Department of Tourism recently launched a new ad campaign that declared, “No America We Will Not ‘Turn That Music Down.’” But on the ground, the authorities in New Orleans have been trying to quiet the city’s famously vibrant music scene.

  • Someone Stole My Students’ Music Writing

    Last Tuesday, my car was robbed. I don't care about my old laptop or anything else that was in there, only the pages and pages of handwritten essays my young students had penned about Katy Perry, local New Orleans musicians, and themselves. They didn't...

  • Living Inside 'The Canyons'

    No one has seen 'The Canyons' yet, but it's gotten a wave of bad publicity thanks to the involvement of Lindsay Lohan and a popular 'New York Times' magazine article about what a disaster the filming was. I talked to writer Bret Easton Ellis and...
