The Fashion Issue 2009

  • Global Trend Report 2009 - London & Berlin

    As a reaction to the self-imposed squalor of the punky kids and the shameless fun hunting of the indie-weirdo gang, the “slightly too smart for their age” bunch are really upping their formal dressing skills.

  • PrÊt-À-mutilate

    Imagine if, when you were a kid, your parents used elaborate and painful methods to force your head or feet into bizarre and permanent shapes. Or imagine if the surest way to get a decent job was to stand perfectly still while your friend hacked the...

  • Vice Fashion - Connie Chiu

    Photos by Camilla StephanStyling by Hanna Kisch/Kid of TomorrowConnie Chiu is a Chinese albino from Hong Kong who was raised in

  • Holy Fashion

    Besides being Europe's only absolute monarch, the highest authority of the Catholic Church, and the head of state of the smallest country in the world, the Pope is one of few human beings who can claim to be officially infallible.

  • Look Out!

    One of the main problems with paramilitary groups is they’re all a bit uptight and unapproachable and are almost always made up of intimidating men.

  • Yokoo

    Yokoo is an accidental knitting wunderkind who resides in a magical place called Atlanta, where she chips away tirelessly and obsessively at creating weird and beautiful neckwear.
