the vice guide to travel

  • The Warias

    In Part 3, Hannah is invited to watch a breast augmentation performed on one of the ladies from the school. Later that day, we catch up with Maryani and her daughter to do some last-minute shopping for the evening's festivities. Hannah's trip comes to...

  • The Warias

    In Part 2, Hannah spends the day busking with a few of the street singers from the Senin-Kamis school. At night, Hannah meets up with two other girls who work as prostitutes. Although the school has helped to create a supportive community for the women...

  • The Warias

    Indonesia's Muslim transvestites need a place to pray, too.

  • The VICE Guide to the Balkans

    To commemorate 12 years without a major attempted genocide in the Balkans, we decided to rent a Yugo and take a road trip through the remnants of old Yugoslavia.

  • The VICE Guide to the Balkans

    Bosnia is the only Islamic country in Europe. So far... Before the war in the 90s, most Bosniaks practiced a very moderate, beardless form of Islam--they were basically Muslims the same way most English people are Christians or Jedis.

  • The VICE Guide to the Balkans

    In this stop on our trip we met with Paul Polansky, an American activist for gypsy rights who was brought to Kosovo by the UN to oversee their refugee camps.

  • The VICE Guide to the Balkans

    As documented in numerous morning-radio parodies of the Beach Boys' "Kokomo," the 1999 War in Kosovo was a grisly affair in which the disputed region's Serbian and Albanian populations accused one another of rape, ethnic cleansing, and other atrocities.

  • The VICE Guide to the Balkans

    Turbofolk is tacky, high-octane techno with melodies based loosely on traditional Balkan folk music.

  • Jesus of Siberia

    Vissarion's Church of the Last Testament is the only reason to visit Siberia.

  • Jesus of Siberia

    Vissarion's Church of the Last Testament is the only reason to visit Siberia.

  • Jesus of Siberia

    Vissarion's Church of the Last Testament is the only reason to visit Siberia.

  • Jesus of Siberia

    Vissarion's church of the last testament is the only reason to visit Siberia.