Cu Panda la Soci

  • Panda to Sochi: Odessa #2 on video

    After exploring the catacombs of Odessa, the crew of Panda to Sochi returned to the more cheerful aspects of the town in this second video.

  • Panda to Sochi: Odessa #1 on video

    A little dive into the parallel universum below the surface of one of the most important cities of the Ukraine and it‘s very doubting cavepaintings.

  • Panda to Sochi: Tag 16

    The Russian Riviera is exactly what we thought it will look like. We were welcomed by palm trees and the smell of the Black Sea coast. Russia is showing us a new face, far away of a fat vodka-nose!

  • Cu Panda la Soci: Izmail (video)

    Ne-ndreptăm spre marele oraș-port al Ucrainei, Odesa și facem niște schi stradal de-a lungul drumului.

  • Panda to Sochi: Day 14

    Some Mariupol citizens will talk about a fun crew with an Italian number on the car for the next days maybe. Whereas we are talking about finally getting into the Russian Federation.

  • Cu Panda la Soci: ziua 13

    O scurtă călătorie din Kherson du Mariupol (încă suntem prin Ucraina) de-a lungul Marii Negre până la granița cu Rusia. Am găsit niște distracții cu vodcă și jocuri îndrăznețe!
