
  • Bartenders Should Focus on Service, Not Buzzwords

    If you’re a bartender who has spent time convincing yourself and others what you do matters enough not to completely fuck it up, don’t reduce what you do to a slogan like "science" or "hospitality."

  • You Should Be Drinking Your Weed

    The world of marijuana-infused edibles is quickly exploding—but why stop at pot brownies? We've got six recipes for weed-charged cocktails right here for your drinking pleasure.

  • Let's Celebrate the Repeal of Prohibition By Getting Wasted

    Remember Prohibition? Man, that was a whole big thing. Celebrate its repeal by reading about the history of moonshine, making a refreshing whiskey punch, or dabbling in mixology.

  • I'll Make a Cocktail For Neutral Milk Hotel but Not Nirvana

    Because music is such an important part of my life, I'll name a lot of my cocktails after songs or bands, and I treat music at Spuntino very seriously. But I've got a strict "no Nirvana" policy, with all apologies to Kurt.

  • A Stiff Cocktail Solves All Family Thanksgivings

    We all need a little bit of social lubricant when it comes to family gatherings. Luckily, we've gathered our best cocktail recipes from some of the finest mixologists alive to treat you and your loved ones right on Thanksgiving.

  • How-To: Make Gothic Cocktails with Tony Conigliaro

    Tony takes us deep into the underworld by creating three gothic-inspired cocktails including the Nosferatini – a martini that tastes like blood—and the Silver Bullet, a werewolf's worst nightmare.

  • Joy Division Recipe

    At Death + Co., we often name our cocktails after musical references. This is one of my favorites.

  • From Wyoming to Vegas, I Was Desperately Seeking Cocktail Culture

    While trying to figure out how to open my own bar, I went from tiny cowboy town Jackson Hole, WY to a job as a VIP host at one of Vegas's biggest nightclubs.

  • Light and Day Recipe

    The first drink I created for Death & Co breaks a few rules (e.g. using fresh orange juice in a stirred cocktail) but it turned out delicious enough to not get me fired.